The decision of the deadline and procedure of delivering full papers is made by the organizers of the Colloquim.
The decision of which journals shall publish the Colloquium Proceedings will be suggested by the Colloquium Board of Editors. Submitted papers could be published in the following journals:
- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Oeconomia (Poland: Warsaw: WULS),
- Atlantic Economic Journal (WoS - ESCI, SCOPUS; USA, Atlanta: Springer)
- Central European Economic Journal (ERIHPlus; Poland, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Sciendo/de Gruyter)
- Dynamic Econometric Models (ERIH Plus; Poland, Toruń: UMK),
- Econometrics. Applications of quantitative methods (ERIH Plus; Poland, Wroclaw: WUE, Sciendo/de Gruyter)
- Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (WoS – SCI, SOCPUS; HR, Pula:Taylor&Francis)
- Ekonomia I prawo. Economics and Law (WoS – ESCI; Poland, Toruń: UMK w Toruniu/NCU in Toruń)
- Economics and Sociology (WoS – ESCI, SCOPUS; Poland, Szczecin: CSR)
- Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia (ERIH Plus; Poland, Szczecin: University of Szczecin)
- Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics (WoS, ERIH Plus; Poland, Warsaw: SGH)
- International Advances in Economic Research (WoS – ESCI, SCOPUS; USA, Atlanta: Springer)
- Journal of International Studies (SCOPUS; Poland, Szczecin: CSR)
- Journal of Risk and Financial Management (WoS – ESCI; Switzerland, Basel: MDPI)
- Montenegrin Journal of Economics (WoS – ESCI, SCOPUS; Montenegro, Podgorica: ELIT)
- Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna (ERIH Plus; Poland, Warsaw: Lazarski University)
- Przegląd Statystyczny. Statistical Review (Poland, Warsaw: Statistics Poland)
- Studies of Applied Economics/Estudios de Economia Aplicada (Wos – ESCI, SCOPUS; Spain, Madrid: ASEPELT)
- Sustainability (SSCI/WoS, SCOPUS; Switzerland, Basel: MDPI)
- Quantitative Methods in Economics (Poland, Warsaw: WULS).